T-shirts are a kind of popular casual wear that’s been around for a long time. T-shirts can get worn by people of all ages and gender, and their ability to come in different colors, styles, and materials has made them even more appealing and popular to the young. Many people and company’s use the t-shirts to show some kind of allegiance to teams, brands, or individuals. T-shirts can get printed with ease in bulk, and they’re an affordable print option when compared to other garments.
Many social movements or companies that would like to market their merchandise often prefer using t-shirts as the most ideal garment to show off their brand, logos, products, services, and movement or company names. But why use t-shirts in promotional campaigns instead of other types of garments? Read on to get insightful tips on why t-shirts are an ideal mode of promoting your business organization, and how to use custom T shirts Dubai to the advantage of your marketing campaign.
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T-Shirts Make Teams of Walking Ads
You’d need to choose strategic locations for your banners and posters to get the greatest viewership for your advertisement material. But with well-printed t-shirts holding ads you can be sure that your ads can go wherever all the t-shirt recipients go, and thus earning you greater ad viewership than stationary banners or posters.
T-Shirts’ Printing and Use Is Eco-Friendly
Newspapers, brochures, loose leaflets, and other print materials used in advertisements often end up in the dumpsite and contribute to more pollution when proper recycling isn’t done. But t-shirts that are made from biodegradable materials and printed with eco-friendly inks can degrade when their lifespan ends. Additionally, they last longer than paper-based ad materials.
Cheap Bulk Printing
If you have a big marketing campaign, and you’d like to print t-shirts as giveaways, the more t-shirts you print the lower the cost goes because bulk printing of t-shirts is cheaper than custom piece printing. T-shirts are an ideal gift for people of all ages and if the cost per piece can go down as you print more of them, then you can gift a large number of people in your target audience.
Works Across All Demographics
You may opt to target the youth, women, children, or the elderly in your marketing campaign depending on the kind of product or service you’re selling. For such a case you may need to look for age-appropriate gifts. But if you choose to use t-shirts, then demographic factors of age and gender cease to be important, and all you may have to consider is body size. Unlike other gifts, t-shirts can get used as marketing giveaways across all demographics.
T-Shirts Leave a Long-Lasting Impression
T-shirts last longer than some corporate gift items such as edible cupcakes or a pen. As such, they stay with the recipient for a long and thus leave a memorable impression on the recipient. Custom-made t-shirts can also get bespoke designs that can always get remembered by the people that wear them because they stand out and are unforgettable. As such, they’re an ideal promotional or marketing giveaway that can elicit action from the recipient and keep the memories of your company and brand fresh for long.
T-Shirts Are Great Giveaways
You can give branded t-shirts to your clients and employees to act as marketing tools or even uniforms for some occasions. Custom t-shirts made to suit a customer’s needs can also be a perfect giveaway for your clients. For instance, custom t-shirts with client names are a perfect corporate gift that can make them proud of being part of your company’s brand.
T-Shirts Allow Great Customization and Experimentation
There is a lot that you can do to make t-shirts a great promotion or marketing medium. You can add client names, play around with colors, or designs to make them short-sleeved. You could add pictures and play around with font and font colors. The design options are many and the versatility can only get limited by the creativity of the digital printing companies in Dubai or your own imagination.

Basketball fan, foodie, record lover, Bauhaus fan and ADC member. Operating at the crossroads of minimalism and computer science to give life to your brand. My opinions belong to nobody but myself.